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Hi. My name is Eduardo Roberto Cruz Chu. Below I provide some lines about myself.

Currently, I am a biophysicist, a computational biophysicist. Therefore, I make computational models of living matter. In principle, such models should accurately reproduce the properties of real matter; thus, they are used to gain insight about living organisms, as well as to improve current biomedical applications.

As most biophysicists, I received some formal training. I am a post-doc at ETH-Zürich. I moved to Europe after graduate school at UIUC. Before that, I worked for a couple of years doing some experimental biophysics at the CCNY. As an undergraduate, I went to UPCH in my hometown, Lima-Peru. In those old days, I was a chemistry/math student.

A bit of my family background. I was born and raised in Lima. My parents are from Trujillo, a coastal city in the northern part of Peru. When I was a kid, we usually traveled to Trujillo to spend Christmas there, so I also like that city very much. I have a sister, two brothers, three goddaughters, and several dozens of aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews and so on. That is it.

If you need to contact me, just send me an email to eduardo<AT>nadie<DOT>pe .

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